Fabletics–to join or not to join

So spoiler alert–I joined.

I hadn’t heard of Fabletics–or even Kate Hudson’s affiliation–until the winter of 2015, when a lovely lady in a musical I was working on recommended it to me. She had recently joined and was really digging it. She was in the process of becoming a yoga instructor and needed new outfits and found it to be both a good deal and liked the product.

Strangely, it had been years since I had purchased workout gear. Not since Jess and I had started running together and I went through a serious Nike phase had I acquired any new pieces. Which at the time, was probably five years earlier.  So the timing was right for her recommendation to really register with me.

me running in my favorite Nike running capris in 2013. *photo courtesy of the best running partner ever, Jess Boggs

Plus I like trying new things AND love getting mail! So honestly–it wasn’t a hard sell.

But what is Fabletics, you ask?

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