Of all the products and things we have tried here at E&N, we tend to agree on most of them. From the magic of Mario Bedescu facial sprays to the ridiculousness of the drybar experience, we are nearly always on the same page. Which can actually make it a little challenging to find things to write about since we kinda like and dislike the same things.

So it’s a surprise when we disagree. And when we do–we really do.
What are the products that have us divided? Let’s have at it!
Lyn loves Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint. I do not. And that’s a pretty big statement considering all I ever do on this blog is gush about how amazing Glossier is and how they can do no wrong. It’s not even that it’s wrong, as a product, it’s actually really good. I’m currently trying to save money and instead of buying something new, I’m getting to just using it up. But nope, still don’t love it. It’s not the shade I chose – that seems fine. It’s not the packaging – the packaging is good and user friendly. If I had to put my finger on it, I think it’s really just the consistency I don’t like. It makes me feel like there is a film on my skin – which I know is due to glycerin being a main ingredient – I feel the same filmy feeling on my hands if I use a glycerin soap. And glycerin isn’t a bad ingredient, it’s a humectant, which means it helps retain moisture…. something I certainly need. Perfecting Skin Tint is definitely not a tinted moisturizer, but not quite a foundation. It’s unique. Which is cool, because I can’t say I’ve tried anything else quite like it (see, Glossier rules again with an innovative product). But it’s just not for me. I’m still going to use it up though, waste not, want not…. right?
That’s fair, Pamela. Perfecting Skin Tint does have a different texture–it’s pretty watery–but that’s something I love about it. It’s really light to apply. But it’s also very light coverage–and that’s something else I love. I put on a moisturizer/sunscreen and then pop this on the top. But I get it. It’s not for everyone.
I am prone rants. It’s ridiculous, really. And I got a sample of Origins Checks and Balances face wash, tried it again after trying it years ago and I went on a crazy Snapchat tirade to Pamela and Jess about how much I hate it. (yes, our primary mode of conversation remains Snapchat.) The texture of it feels like it’s separating in my fingers, something about it seems almost metallic and I feel like I can’t get it to rinse off my face. I also don’t think it cleaned my face so much as left a minty scent on it. I thought this was a universal affront to hardworking cleansers everywhere. No kidding–Jess gets a sample of it in a 500 point Sephora gift or something–and she reports back that she loves it and is committing to it as her primary cleanser. I’m still shocked! I feel like I don’t even know you anymore, Jess!!!! (jk, love you!) So yeah–we tend to agree on most things–but we are pretty far apart on this one!
First off- I think it’s hilarious that Lyn hates Checks and Balances. I love it!! I got a sample in a discovery set, and liked it so much I went out and bought a full size. It does a great job taking off my makeup, it’s creamy, frothy, minty, and doesn’t leave my face feeling stripped. *Shrug*. If you get a sample, try it and tell us what you think!
I am very sad to report that I can’t get behind dry shampoo. I really want to, but I just can’t get it to work! Last year, Pamela recommended a bunch of her favorites, and I’ve tried a few of them (NYM and Batiste), plus a bunch of random samples that I’ve collected from Birchbox or whatever, to no avail. It tricks me for just long enough to think it’s working, then later in the day I realize I look like a greaseball. WHAT AM I MISSING GUYS. I spray it on my roots, let it hang for a while, then shake it through with my fingers or a brush. Why isn’t it magic?? *sobs* I am 100% willing to blame this on user error, but for now, I’m just going to wash my hair with regular shampoo and water. Boooooo.
But hey–as Dave Mason says “There ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy There’s only you and me and we just disagree.”
Have you tried these products? Weigh in with your thoughts below!
Per usual, we bought these products with our own cash, unless it was a sample we were also getting because we were spending cash on something else. Either way, cash was spent.