I Feel It All

My birthday was almost a month ago. As hard as I try to convince myself that my birthday—and similarly, New Year’s Eve—is just a day on the calendar, it always serves as a source of anxiety. They are days of introspection. That can quickly turn into periods of melancholy and ennui. Not that I’m not checking in on my “self”—probably more than I should—but those dates serve as reminders that time is continuing whether I’m ready or not.

Aging is not something I’ve ever done particularly gracefully. I distinctly remember walking to the mailbox on my 10th birthday to check for cards and sobbing once I got there at the realization I would never be a single digit again. I would have to live to 100 to be special. A concern that still nags at me.

But what does that even mean? To be special? I guess it’s like porn. You know it when you see it.

I see it often in others, I just struggle to see it in myself sometimes.

Perhaps to my determent, what it meant to me at 10 versus what it means now at 43 hasn’t really changed. I think it’s about being relevant. A feeling that if I was gone, I would be remembered. And not just remembered for something I did, but something I was doing and something I could’ve still done.

For me, it’s become more a question of am I getting better? Am I doing enough? Why can’t I do more?

It’s an internal challenge. A constant game of chicken I’m playing with—or against—myself. While I’m a competitive person, it’s always been more of a battle with myself than against other. It’s more of a game of solitaire than poker, if you will. But the rules aren’t clear and the end isn’t defined.

Continue reading I Feel It All

Reviewing some random recent purchases–summer peach edition

The past few years I’ve been really into peach and orange hued makeup. I must not be alone–Too Faced has really gone all in on their Peach line–especially after the success of the Sweet Peach Eyeshadow Palette, which I like a lot.

There’s something about peach I find really fresh and and pulled together, casual. And orange feels unexpected and a little interesting. I also feel like they both give me me a more youthful look–at least that’s what I’m hoping!

The downside is that peach is a very soft color and orange just feels more relevant when it’s warm, so both tend to work best on me in the summer.

I’ve had my eye on some new launches–many of them in the peach or orange color story–and now that summer is here, I went ahead and picked up a few things to celebrate my favorite season.

And here are my initial thoughts:

Too Faced, Sweet Peach Creamy Lip Oil in Pure Peach and Papa Don’t Peach: I’ve been looking at these for a while. I really like lip oils, especially in the winter, but as I said early, peach feels really made for warm weather looks. That’s kinda the rub with these products. The formula is wonderful. Continue reading Reviewing some random recent purchases–summer peach edition

It’s “Empties” time again!! Featuring some seriously hyped products

Always so excited to fill my “empties” bag and reminisce on a bunch of products. I’ve got quite the random mix but a lot of really hyped products I’ve worked through.

Here are my thoughts:

Bioderma, Sensibio H2O Micellar Water: Has there ever been a more wildly hyped product that no one could get than the Bioderma micellar water? Everyone was talking about it on YouTube. And when I got it, it was only available overseas or super high priced on eBay. I was SOOOO EXCITED when I made my first trip to Japan and found it at a CVS styled convenience store near my hotel. I got one for me and one for Jess and Pamela for Christmas that year. That was November, 2015. And I just finished it now. In the time it took me to work through this bottle, you can get it at Wal-Mart. And truth be told, I didn’t love it. It stung my eyes. Which is why it took so long for me to work through it. So I’m in the market for a new micellar water. If you have one you love–let me know!

Oribe, Après Beach Wave and Shine Spray: I really like the original so I picked this one up when that one was sold out on Birchbox at one point. I would stick to the original, personally.

Glossier, Milky Jelly Cleanser: I feel like it takes me such a long time to work through face wash because I have several in rotation at the same time. This one is definitely a favorite, especially this time of year. I have already repurchased it. And all praise to Pamela for bringing this gem to our attention!

Urban Decay Cosmetics, Ultimate Ozone Multi Purpose Primer Pencil: This one is a Jess favorite so I was excited when I found mine (a one time gift from Jess, if i remember right?) I did really like this and would put it high on my list of lip primers if I were updating that post. My downside to it is you have to sharpen it, which is a pain. But the product is great.

L’Oréal, Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara: I really liked this when I first got it. But…now I’m just not sure I love this style of mascara. I found it a little clumpy overall. Which is definitely a specific look, but I tend to prefer more nature lash looks. This would also be on my banned list based on L’Oréal’s cruelty free status–although Jess and I have been having lots of talks about this topic, too. But regardless, I wouldn’t be rushing out to repurchase this one anyway.

Himalaya Herbals, Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo and Gentle Exfoliating Apricot Scrub: These products were amazing, and so cheap. I picked them up during my hike in Nepal in 2015, so it’s definitely past their time to go. I used up the last of the scrub, which I used on the back of my arms and hips and I only used the shampoo a few times. But it was such a crazy find to get luxury style products while in Nepal and for less than drugstore pricing. Finding–and using–these products made me feel more like me during the hike. I have lots of nostalgia for them.

Lush Cosmetics, Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner: This one is a total guilty pleasure. I love it so much. Everything about it. Except the price. So I won’t repurchase it now, but I will definitely get it again in the winter.

SEPHORA COLLECTION, Lip Balm & Scrub in Honey: Ugh. I can’t with this one. It’s not a good scrub and it’s not a good lip balm. I don’t understand it. So I’m just tossing it.

Rusk Deepshine Lustre Advance Marine Therapy, Shine Enhancing Lusterizer: I love this stuff and have been using it for a long time. It takes me forever to use one of this up and I’ve already repurchased.

Yes to® Miracle Oil Argan Oil Facial Wipes: Meh. I didn’t care about these either way. They were ok. Didn’t love. I don’t really have a facial wipe that I love, so give me your favorites below!

Mario Badescu, Facial Spray with Aloe, Cucumber and Green Tea: This was a new version for me, and I love it just as much as the original. This one lived in my car and has been replaced.

SUNDAY RILEY, Luna Sleeping Night Oil: So this one is a surprise. I had gotten a sample a few years back and hated it! I think I gave it to Jess or Pamela at one point because some of our YouTube favorites were ALL about it, but I couldn’t get past the sent or texture. Well, fast forward to a few years later and I was at Sephora looking for a retinol product. And was strongly recommended this one. I really hesitated but I went ahead and got it in the Power Couple Duo: Total Transformation Kit with the Good Genes day serum. And I’ve used it up. The scent is still a wow. Really strong. It doesn’t bother me so much anymore. And the oil texture is pretty…viscous but I’m used to that, too. Would I get it again? I’m not sure. Did it do a good job? Yes, I think so. My face made it through winter pretty well without too many issues with dryness which is a success. So I’d definitely consider it again.

Peter Thomas Roth, Cucumber Gel Mask Extreme Detoxifying Hydrator: I got this in a mask set I got during the holidays–who knows how long ag?o! I really like this mask a lot. But it’s sooo expensive. And PTR isn’t cruelty-free. So this will be a no go. At least for now.

Tarte Cosmetics, cleansing cutie scrubber: Nope. Nope. Nope.

Colgate, Cavity Protection Toothpaste: Why did I even have this laying around? I hate this stuff. But I also didn’t want to waste it. No thanks.

Tom’s of Maine Whole Care with Fluoride Natural Toothpaste Peppermint: This is the one! I love it and I’m so happy to be reunited. So yeah–REPURCHASED!

There you have it! Have you tried any of these things? Thoughts? Any Luna oil users out there? What do you think? And any favorite micellar water recommendations? Hit me up below!

All purchased by me. Some recently. Some not so recently.


This concealer trick has changed my life!

I’ve been super into Colourpop lately (evidenced by the one million lip products that just came today off a lip BOGO i went nuts on recently. i’ll save that until later). So when they had a special on their new No Filter Concealer for its recent launch–again with the BOGO!!!–I jumped on it. Mostly because I’m always on the hunt for the best concealer but also because they’re $6 or in this case 2/$6 so it’s worth a try.

photo courtesy of allure.com

I ordered two: Fair 04 and Light 10.

There are quite a few colors and a little system to help you select one based on your skin type and undertone which whittles down the options a little.

But buying concealer–or foundation–is tricky to online. You can see from the two I received, they seem like they are very close in color.

Continue reading This concealer trick has changed my life!

Deal Breakers- What Make Us Hard-Pass On A Product?

I recently was trying a new face mask sample (the Fresh, Lotus Youth Preserve Rescue Mask to be exact) and I was struck by the cucumber scent. Now–I have no problems with cucumbers–I actually really like them, but I know Jess is not a fan. And I wondered if it was just the taste of cucumbers that she was against or cucumber anything.

Which then got me thinking about product deal breakers. Things that are just NOT going to work for you when it comes to a new product. Would a cucumber scent be enough to send Jess running away from the Fresh mask? (it’s actually not included in the description for it and only in the ingredients, btw.) I wondered what other things might be product deal breakers for us–and you!


Why yes, I DO hate the scent of cucumber- it literally makes me gag!!

Continue reading Deal Breakers- What Make Us Hard-Pass On A Product?

What products did I pack for my trip?

So here’s the situation. I just got back from a wonderful trip to Spain that was divided into three parts: a few days in Barcelona, a 60+ mile hike on the Camino de Santiago and then a few days along the Costa Brava. Those are three very different vacations. And I had to pack for all them in a bag I could carry on my back during the hike portion of the trip. (technically, I could’ve put the non-hike stuff in a locker at the airport, but that would really be too convenient, and probably too smart for me. And yea—clearly it was.)

As we have established, I’m a pro at packing light. So keeping the weigh down was not a problem for me. I was able to pack everything I needed in a bag that weighed less than 15 pounds.

got a new pack for the trip off a packing light story.  it was okay. really designed for boys though.

This was seriously a source of pride for me. But did I pack right? Especially when it came to my skin care/makeup game. Let’s review!

Continue reading What products did I pack for my trip?

There Might Be Too Many Brow Things

Oh hi!

Do you remember a while back when I stepped out of my NYX micro pencil safety zone and tried something new?? Well, as expected, it dried out pretty fast, but now my eyes were open to exploring all* the new stuff that has been hitting the shelves in the name of giving you some serious brow:

by “all” I mean “a few”

First, a little about my brows. At this stage in my life, I’m pretty lucky to still have some fullness, thanks to never being able to tweeze them myself- I’d try, then eventually my face would start looking like a Picasso, you know?? So I’ve always left it to the professionals (I’m a fan of threading). That being said, I am still recovering from a wonky wax a few years ago that robbed me of some of the inner part of my left brow. (Pro tip: if you’re getting a pedicure and the tech takes you into a shady back room and also takes a phone call while waxing you, RUN.) I also have a few hairs that have, um, lost pigment. Because I am old. So my main concerns are a) filling in the gaps and holes and B) tinting the greys. I am not personally into the “Instagram Brow”- it is gorgeous on some people but crazy looking on me- and I’m not quite brave/baller enough to get microbladed yet, so to the drugstore we go!

Continue reading There Might Be Too Many Brow Things

I’ve been collecting lots of trash or a new round of “Empties”

I’ve been talking a lot lately about new things I’ve purchased, but I’ve also used up a lot, too! In the meantime, my “empties” collection has grown to an insane level.

So, it’s time to take out the trash, aka put together an “empties” post.

Here are my takes on the round of used up products.

Arcona, Cranberry Gommage: Friends. This thing is old. Like I have no idea how old it is, but I know it’s at least three years, and that’s probably being kind. I used to be crazy for this scrub, it smells great and really brightens your face, but I’ve since been all in for the Juara scrub, so this one got forgotten. And it’s expensive. Thus its hiding in the back of my shower for too too long. It’s gone now and probably won’t be coming back.

Arcona, Toner Tea Bar: Ooh, I also LOVED this bar. I used it with my Clarisonic and it really cleared up my skin. In fact, that combo was really the turning point for my skin settling down. But then I abandoned it and haven’t used it in a long time. Also my original Clarisonic broke which is probably why that duo went away. But I have a new Clarisonic I’m trying again—more in the future on that—so maybe we will meet again. But no for now.

SKYN Iceland, Hydro Firming Cooling Eye Gels:  I’ve already repurchased. They take down the puffiness and stay on really well while I get ready in the morning. All good things!

Continue reading I’ve been collecting lots of trash or a new round of “Empties”

What I’ve purchased through Ulta’s 21 Days of Beauty so far…

Three Ulta related posts in a row! Sheesh! But I kinda love this sale–I think its marketing genius–and it gets me looking at stuff I forgot about or stuff I’ve wanted to try or stuff I never knew existed.

So I’ve been taking full advantage of the promotion and pick up a bunch of things.

Again–you can ALWAYS return things at any retailer: Ulta, Sephora, Walgreens–so if you don’t like it, take it back.

While I haven’t’ tried everything I’ve purchased, so far there haven’t been any big misses that I know will be returned.

So here’s what I’ve purchased and my initial thoughts on them.

Mario Badescu: last Saturday was the 25% off Mario day, so I stocked up on a few things and picked up a few things to try.

Continue reading What I’ve purchased through Ulta’s 21 Days of Beauty so far…

New cruelty-free drugstore favorites at Ulta

As you know, I’ve been trying to go cruelty-free with my new makeup purchases.

Buying cruelty-free hasn’t been as challenging as I expected–once I got over the shock that it was still a thing–I missed the whole “China mandate” that requires it to sell products there. Luckily, it looks like there might be an end to that rule on the horizon, which will hopefully make it an issue we never have to think about again.

There are definitely a few high end makeup brands that don’t work for me anymore, but primarily, my favorites like Tarte Cosmetics and Urban Decay are still good.

It’s a little more difficult on the drugstore side–and with skin care TBH–but I’ve found a few lines that are extremely affordable and have some great products I might’ve missed out on.

To get a pretty comprehensive listing of who tests on animals and who doesn’t, Cruelty-free Kitty has been a great resource. And rule of thumb on the drugstore side–if it’s one of the big companies like Revlon, Maybelline and L’Oreal–there is testing.

With Ulta’s variety of BOGO deals through their “21 Days of Beauty” sale--I thought it might be a nice time to review some of these new items I’ve picked up since focusing on cruelty-free shopping–just in case you’re looking to refresh your makeup bag for spring. (SPRING!!!!)

i tried to throw a bunch of these in a bag to do a photo at work where the light is better, and then forgot some of them at home. oh well!

Wet n Wild: This line was a shocker to me, but it’s actually even on Peta’s list of cruelty-free brands. How great is that?! I’ve got two favorites from the line–one old and one new. First the new:

Wet n Wild, MegaCushion Foundation SPF 15

I know I’ve mentioned it before but it’s worth saying it again: this foundation is fantastic! And so easy to apply. I can tell it’s going to be a summer staple–it’s so lightweight–and the cover is perfect for me. And $8.99! I can tell it’s gonna run low faster than other foundations I own, but it’s still worth it. And it means I’m reaching for it all the time, which I am!

Continue reading New cruelty-free drugstore favorites at Ulta