
After the November election, I bought an online subscription to the Washington “Democracy Dies in Darkness” Post. The app is easy to use and I routinely start my morning scrolling through the headlines, if admittedly, not taking the time to actually read the articles. I have this anxiety about what has happened while I was sleeping so a quick flip through the top stories gives me a general briefing for the start of my day.

With today’s headlines, I can tell my current mood of despair, sadness and confusion will not be lifted easily. Along with the anticipated deconstructions of our President’s alarming, though not unexpected, response to Charlottesville, I found these signs of the times:

  • “Factory workers are quitting, many would rather find other jobs”
  • “Why your pet is fat, hint: every nutrition tip you’ve heard is probably wrong”
  • “Volcanoes under melting ice, climate change could trigger eruptions in Antarctica”
  • “ESPN apologizes for player ‘auction'”
  • “There’s plague in Arizona, authorities warn of fleas that can infect people and pets
  • “Don’t want nude pics from strangers? Change this iPhone setting.”
  • “What do you do if your child sides with neo-Nazis?
  • “Trump reverses climate-change order, construction projects will no longer need to consider flood risk”
  • “More than 18,000 died on US roadways in the first six months of 2017”
  • “A Swiss hotel singles out Jews” “asking ‘Jewish guests’ to shower before using the swimming pool.

Good morning to you.

Well, it turns out that people are leaving factory work because the unemployment rate is low and people are betting they can find better, less physically taxing jobs in the market now which is somewhat optimistic, pets don’t need a grain-free diet and it’s a marketing ploy (my industry can be jerks), and traffic deaths are actually down from a year ago.

But the rest of it? It’s just as the headlines make them sound. Bleak. A massive flea outbreak seem to be the least of our concerns.

To top it off, last night I went and saw the not very good, but still thought-provoking movie, “An Inconvenient Sequel”–the Al Gore follow-up to the 2006 Oscar winner, “An Inconvenient Truth.” I learned that of course it’s raining more, all the melting ice cap water is evaporating–and what goes up, must come down–in the form of rain. And lots of it.

With all this heaviness on my mind, it feels slightly disingenuous–and possibly tone deaf?–to post my much delayed and highly anticipated “Ipsy vs. Birchbox” post that was scheduled for today.

At the same time, though all of this is on my mind. I’m still not sure what to say. And even less sure of what to do.

I was at a meeting up in Northern Wisconsin on Monday and a client–who I view as a friend–made an impassioned plea that at our next meeting, we are going to be the one committee that stops talking about an issue that’s on multiple organizations’ agendas, and actually make some kind of decision and movement on it.

Yes!!! I wanted to jump out of my seat and do cartwheels! I like discussion as much as the next person but I want action!

And yet–here I am with the news all around me and I am at a loss of what to do about it. Completely inaction. It seems like so many plates are spinning around me and all of them are slowing down at the same time and I’m just looking at them while they crash around me.

And that’s just thinking about national issues, not the personal ones that feel much more immediate and have my attention. I find those plates first and rarely go back to the others.

Because I can. I will be the first to admit that I don’t HAVE to do anything about all the headlines I read. I am in a position of privilege, so I can just go day-to-day and allow it to be someone else’s fight to take up. Of course, it will eventually become my problem–what happened in Charlottesville could happen anywhere–my hometown, and yours. But no one is waiting for Lyn Pilch to save the day. So I could just hang tight.

Or I can do the minimum, jump on social media and share all the posts and memes and midnight musings on how I will fight the power (not unlike what I’m doing now–though a post would be shorter…) but right now that feels a bit hollow to me. And confusing. I’d like to say I can do it, and will do it, or would do it, but right now I don’t know how to do it. But perhaps just seeing that I care and I’m paying attention will show some support to friends who are finding their very existence marginalized again in new and terrifying ways. But it also might make me feel like I did something when really–I just added my hand to the huddle before the break: “Go Team!”–and then sat back down on the bench.

Instead, I feel like just admitting–I’m in!–but I don’t know what that means. I don’t know what rally to attend. I don’t know what that thing is I can do that will feel like I’m not just having a discussion, but taking action.

And truth be told, I am incredibly cynical after the Act 10 protests that seemed to accomplish nothing but divide our state even more. I thought showing up en masse would demand attention. It would get family and friends who voted for the Governor to see how passionately opposed we were to the dismantling of this crucial institution and at least listen to why we so vehemently disagreed. And it didn’t. It made people just yell at each other, if they talked at all.

I am a positive person. My job is to go to communities and find all the great things about them and why people would want to take their hard earned money and time to visit those locations. Sometimes, I’ve been one of the only people in a room full of locals–in a place I’m unfamiliar with–to believe we could find something positive about that place. And we always do. I like finding the silver lining in situations. I have been called naive, and delusional, and too nice. And I’ve been okay with this.

But now I’m struggling. And maybe you’re struggling, too.

I don’t want to just go to a rally and listen to people talk. I don’t want to march around the Capitol. I don’t want to do the things I’ve done in the past and found no change at the other end.

A couple years ago, I saw Diane Nash speak on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day about how the lunch counter sit-ins were planned and the philosophy used to make social action happen. It drove home all the reasons our Act 10 protests accomplished so little even though so many people were engaged and energized. I recall back to that talk and I keeping wanting Diane Nash to walk in and tell me what to do now.

I want a leader. I want someone to tell me what to do. I want a goal. I want a plan. I want something to hang on to, something tangible.

More and more, I’m starting to feel like that leader is me. And that leader is you. But we won’t be doing that work from behind our computers. We are going to go somewhere and not march in circles, but find purposeful steps that make change.

Diane Nash worked with Martin Luther King Jr. from 1961–1965. In reading more on Nash after that speech, this one quote has stuck with me “I never considered Dr. King my leader. I always considered myself at his side and I considered him at my side. I was going to do what the spirit told me to do. So If I had a leader, that was my leader.”

I don’t know where to set my feet right now, but maybe you do. And if you do–I’m in.

But if you’re struggling like me, perhaps we can listen to the spirit together and uncover the path to action.

I’m optimistic we can find it.

So…makeup? We will get to that tomorrow.

Summer, We’re Not Over You Yet

Summer is the only season that has a distinct beginning and end, and the weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day zip by entirely too fast! We are scrambling here, as we enter August, to squeeze every last drop out of the remaining dog days of summer. Here’s what’s left on our lists:


How is it already August??!!! While I admit that I do look forward to back to school at our house, to get everyone back into our routines, summer is flying by way too fast. There is a lot I still want to do! Starting with Mile of Music, which is Appleton’s very own music festival in it’s 5th year, and it starts tomorrow! 70 music venues with 900 live music sets. Sound overwhelming? Yeah, it is. Luckily they have an app for the whole thing that conveniently lets you plan out your itinerary if that’s how you roll…. or if you are more of the wandering type, there is literally music everywhere…. If you don’t dig an artist at one venue, there is someone playing next door that you probably will!

Almost every year we get to a county fair, and this year won’t be an exception. I want to eat corndog and a giant ice cream cone, look at some poultry and cows and if we can make it happen, see some monster trucks. I’d settle for a demolition derby or some tractor pulls, but definitely would prefer a monster truck show!

Labor day is my favorite holiday. What’s not to love about a three day weekend? Sure, it’s slightly bittersweet as it signals the end of summer in many ways, but I prefer to think of it as the last hurrah! The last summer holiday to soak in the sun! My requirements for this holiday are a lake to swim in, some cold beverages, burgers on the grill with a campfire and s’mores to follow. We will be camping with friends this Labor day weekend and it should be pretty awesome.

Lastly, the thing that should probably be firstly – I really need to refigure my budget. In April I moved into my own studio space to practice aesthetics and massage out of, after working for someone else for 12 years. Being on my own and working independently has been so great so far…. some days can’t believe how much happier I am. But having said that, I am having to watch my spending much closer now, and in the past few months with having acquired new business expenses as well as some new personal expenses, I really do need to have a sit and recalculate my budget so I have a very clear idea of what’s to come as I head into the rest of the year.


August is the month that causes me panic. All the glorious dreams of hot days by the water and warm nights…also by the water start to feel like missed opportunities. But not this year–I am committed to ending the summer with a bang–or at least a splash.

I haven’t been standup paddleboarding yet. That must change. Jess and I tried to get up on the water at the start of summer but the wind had other ideas. But all is not lost and I will make it on a SUP sometime this month. (jess—what’s your schedule look like in august?)

I have two nieces that I adore and one of my favorite things to do is take them swimming which hasn’t happened, but it still can. I will be poolside at least one time before this month is over, if not more.

Speaking of said nieces, I took my eldest niece to a drive-in movie two years ago and we had a blast! I was super bummed that it didn’t work out last year. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake this summer and yet, we still haven’t gone. Mosquitoes be damned, I am going to the drive-in this summer!

As weird as it sounds, I want one day to just walk around Madison this summer, without any plans and enjoy all the things I love about the city. I’ve only done the market once this year. I’ve been out to the terrace but you can never go too much. I haven’t put on my headphones and set off seeing where the day takes me. I want this to happen. And it will. Soon.


At the beginning of summer, I was ready. June started out solid, and I had a few great pool days, some long morning walks, an amazing NYC weekend, and a lot of rosé. Then it got cold. Then July was crazy stormy. Lately, I feel like I am just going from one freezing cold air-conditioned building to the next. So here we go- full stop, let’s reclaim summer with the following:

Just like Lyn, I need more time on the water. I even bought a membership at a nearby boathouse this year, thinking it would give me a “no excuses” outlook on running over to paddle around randomly throughout the week. Well, turns out I am not that person, but I still need at least one (or two?) good, solid hours paddling and/or floating around on a lake. In previous years, we’ve also done a day trip kayaking down the Wisconsin River- I don’t know if that’s in the cards for us this year, but I hope we can figure it out! (ps- I’d also like to join Lyn on that meandering walk!)

I have not been to the Memorial Union Terrace AT ALL this summer, and that is a mistake!! I could go for a Sunday afternoon with nowhere to be, hanging out with a pitcher of Spotted Cow, lively conversation, and maybe some card games. Who wants to join me??

Just in general, I feel like I need to slow. down. Summers are notoriously busy for me, so it’s easy for it to slip on by. I need more bike rides around the arboretum, visits to the zoo, ice cream stops, and street festivals. Basically, I need to take a month off work! 😉

What’s your favorite season? Do you have any musts left on your list for summer?? Tell us in the comments!!


“Empties” reviews: lip treatments, natural deodorant, Tati recommendations and more

I have really accumulated a lot of products. My bathroom is completely ridiculous with samples spilling out all over the place. So I’ve been really trying to use stuff up before I buy too many new items. I’m looking to make a small dent in the abundance of hope and miracles I’ve collected.

that’s a lot of stuff.

And I’ve been pretty successful with a very full bag of empties! So let’s get into it:

Sol de Janeiro Brazilian 4 Play Moisturizing Shower Cream-Gel and Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Kiss Cupuacu Lip Butter: I’m definitely on record for LOVING the notorious Bum Bum Cream.  I picked up a holiday gift pack that included these two products. It took me a while to work–I have a ton of shower and lip products I switch between–neither got my full attention. Which says something. The shower cream-gel smells like the lotion, but for some reason, I didn’t love it in the shower. I prefer something…cleaner smelling. Jess recently discussed her go-to shower options–and like her–I like a minty or citrusy scent to start my morning. This one was too sweet. It did lather nicely and was definitely moisturizing. I would maybe consider repurchasing in the winter–but probably not. As for the lip butter, it was fine. But I have others I like way better…

Bite Beauty Agave Lip Balm: like this one. Ugh. I love this stuff. It’s my new go-to nighttime lip treatment. I’m going to describe it to you and it’s going to sound terrible. It’s very sticky. Like whoa. It has a super weird scent. It’s supposed to be agave and vanilla but not really. It’s not comfortable. And I completely disagree with everything they say in the description. It’s not for day use and it’s NOT a lip primer. So why do I love it? It completely heals my lips overnight. I wake up and the stuff is still on. This winter was the best my lips lasted and I’m cautious to use anything else. I have already repurchased a new tube and I’ll do it again!

Fresh Sugar Advanced Therapy Lip Treatment: In fact–the Bite replaces this one–my previous nighttime lip treatment holy grail product. I do still love it. It’s all the things the Bite one isn’t, but it’s also almost $10 more. I think the Bite one does a better job and is cheaper. But it will always have a place in my heart–if not a place in my current bedtime routine.

Schmidt’s™ Deodorant Stick, Lavender + Sage: I got this in my Birchbox a few month back–and when my regular deodorant/antiperspirant ran out–I gave it a go. It was my first real attempt to use a natural deodorant–and I was super nervous–but I think I’m converted! For me the weirdest part is just feeling stickier than I’m used to with the 24 hour+ antiperspirants. But thankfully, I didn’t really notice too much of a scent issue. (but tell me if you did!) This one is a little pricey at $9 a stick–and I used it up really fast–probably putting on too much to overcompensate. So I  switched to the American Provenance one Jess likes, in the scent Horseshoes & Hand Grenandes, because I love the bergamot scent and I kinda like the band it’s named after!  (i bet Pamela does, too!) We’ll see how it goes.


derma e Face and Body Wash, Tea Tree and E: Let’s go back to the shower for a moment. I recently finished this one and it took so long they have changed the packaging! (it might also be discontinued since a google search doesn’t come up with the usual suspects.) I bought it on a trip, found it kinda medicine smelling and didn’t reach for it much. But it was really good at clearing up any spots I had during the summer which was originally why I bought it. And the price was decent. So–it was ok–but I won’t go out of my way to get it again.

Soap & Glory, The Scrub Of Your Life: Ugh. I included this one just to say how much I hated it. The scent really bugs me and I didn’t like the beads in it. I’ll stick to my favorite shower scrub, thank you. (maybe you’d like it, jess. 😉 ) End of the shower products!

Mario Badescu, Facial Spray With Aloe, Herb and Rosewater: Seriously. What do you think? Of course, repurchased!

Peter Thomas Roth Acne-Clear Invisible Dots: How’s this for a random new product? Stickers that you put over zits to make them go away. And guess what? I love them! The dots come in two sizes, big and little. They aren’t great on pimples that have been around a while, but on ones still forming, they do alright.  Just cover them at bed time and wake up hoping to find them gone! And usually I would! The dots don’t move or fall off–in fact–I’ve forgotten I have them on–and they apply fairly easy. Not only have I repurchased, I buy the 72 pack not the 24 one.

Maybelline Volum’ Express The Colossal Big Shot Mascara: Nah. Pretty forgettable.

Peter Thomas Roth, Irish Moor Mud Mask and Origins Clear Improvement® Active Charcoal Mask to Clear Pores:I liked both of these, maybe even giving the edge to the PTR. But at $30 more for a full size, if I did repurchase, I’d stick with the old faithful, Origins mud mask.

Philosophy Miracle Worker Eye Cream: This one remains my favorite eye cream. I just love how it feels and how easy it is to apply. I love that it’s a pump and not a pot. And I really think it does a good job. I’m working through some samples and my drugstore option, but I will return to this one soon.

(seriously–i need to do these posts more often–this is too long! get a refill on water and come back for round two.)

Jergens Natural Glow Daily Firming Moisturizer: I use this stuff up so quickly in the spring and summer. I love it. I went to repurchase it at Ulta and ended up getting this BB Cream option since it was on sale. But I have bought this multiple times and will do so again.

belif Hungarian Water Essence: I’ve gotten a few samples of this and it really lasts a long time considering it has a watery texture. It feels kinda slimy applying it, but it does spread pretty easily and dries fairly quickly. I don’t notice that it makes me oily or shiny during the day. In fact, I don’t really notice it at all. Which I guess is a good thing? But would I purchase a full size replacement? Probably not. I just don’t love it–and for $42–there are others I like more.

Tatcha Polished Gentle Rice Enzyme Powder: These powder cleansers are sorta bonkers. It’s like doing a science experiment before cleaning your face. A little precious, too. But it did make my skin feel great after using it. I got this as a sample with purchase–I can’t justify the $65 price tag. Plus, I found an exfoliating powder I LOVE!!! (thanks, pamela!!)

shu uemura eyelash curler: I can’t admit how old this thing was. Just trust me–it’s old. Like one of my first internet purchases old. I bought a replacement for it two years ago when I first visited Japan and the OG has finally bit the dust. Not only did I repurchase it–I walked around Tokyo to find a Shu Uemura store just to get a new one!

Nurse Jamie EGF Stem Cell Complex and Beenigma All in One Face Cream: Both of these purchases can be attributed to late night viewings of Tati Westbrook videos. She’s one of the few beauty YouTubers that I still occasionally watch–and when she went crazy for these products–I decided to give them a try. (seriously. if you made it this far, check out these videos to see how persuasive she can be. especially when you’re over tired and maybe have your credit card number memorized.) The Nurse Jamie product was actually pretty good. I liked how it felt. I wore it both at night and in the morning as a serum under a moisturizer and I thought it made my face look and feel good. But it’s wicked expensive. There are other products I like more, so I doubt I’ll be repurchasing it. The Beenigma was straight up crazy. It actually did sting to wear it. It was very sticky–honey, hello!–and was hard to apply. I didn’t even finish the jar. It got moldy before I could use it up. So–no. That was enough for me. And I’m glad I didn’t pay full price. I got it on Birchbox during a sale and using points. Birchbox doesn’t even carry it anymore.
Did you read this whole thing? My goodness. It’s too much. I’m sorry. (and it gives you some idea of the disaster that is my bathroom!) What do you think? Have you tried any of these products? Do you like them more or less than me? Do you want me to stop collecting my trash and writing about it? Do I smell bad? Seriously. I want to know. Leave your comments below.
Sadly, I have spent too much of my own money to fill an empties post so completely. *hangs head in shame*


We just disagree

Of all the products and things we have tried here at E&N, we tend to agree on most of them. From the magic of Mario Bedescu facial sprays to the ridiculousness of the drybar experience, we are nearly always on the same page. Which can actually make it a little challenging to find things to write about since we kinda like and dislike the same things.

before drybar blowouts on top, after on the bottom. we basically spent $50 to look exactly the same as we do every day but fluffier.

So it’s a surprise when we disagree. And when we do–we really do.

What are the products that have us divided? Let’s have at it!


Lyn loves Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint. I do not. And that’s a pretty big statement considering all I ever do on this blog is gush about how amazing Glossier is and how they can do no wrong. It’s not even that it’s wrong, as a product, it’s actually really good. I’m currently trying to save money and instead of buying something new, I’m getting to just using it up. But nope, still don’t love it. It’s not the shade I chose – that seems fine. It’s not the packaging – the packaging is good and user friendly. If I had to put my finger on it, I think it’s really just the consistency I don’t like. It makes me feel like there is a film on my skin – which I know is due to glycerin being a main ingredient – I feel the same filmy feeling on my hands if I use a glycerin soap. And glycerin isn’t a bad ingredient, it’s a humectant, which means it helps retain moisture…. something I certainly need. Perfecting Skin Tint is definitely not a tinted moisturizer, but not quite a foundation. It’s unique. Which is cool, because I can’t say I’ve tried anything else quite like it (see, Glossier rules again with an innovative product). But it’s just not for me. I’m still going to use it up though, waste not, want not…. right?


That’s fair, Pamela. Perfecting Skin Tint does have a different texture–it’s pretty watery–but that’s something I love about it. It’s really light to apply. But it’s also very light coverage–and that’s something else I love. I put on a moisturizer/sunscreen and then pop this on the top. But I get it. It’s not for everyone.

I am prone rants. It’s ridiculous, really. And I got a sample of Origins Checks and Balances face wash, tried it again after trying it years ago and I went on a crazy Snapchat tirade to Pamela and Jess about how much I hate it. (yes, our primary mode of conversation remains Snapchat.) The texture of it feels like it’s separating in my fingers, something about it seems almost metallic and I feel like I can’t get it to rinse off my face. I also don’t think it cleaned my face so much as left a minty scent on it. I thought this was a universal affront to hardworking cleansers everywhere. No kidding–Jess gets a sample of it in a 500 point Sephora gift or something–and she reports back that she loves it and is committing to it as her primary cleanser. I’m still shocked! I feel like I don’t even know you anymore, Jess!!!! (jk, love you!) So yeah–we tend to agree on most things–but we are pretty far apart on this one!


First off- I think it’s hilarious that Lyn hates Checks and Balances. I love it!! I got a sample in a discovery set, and liked it so much I went out and bought a full size. It does a great job taking off my makeup, it’s creamy, frothy, minty, and doesn’t leave my face feeling stripped. *Shrug*. If you get a sample, try it and tell us what you think!

I am very sad to report that I can’t get behind dry shampoo. I really want to, but I just can’t get it to work! Last year, Pamela recommended a bunch of her favorites, and I’ve tried a few of them (NYM and Batiste), plus a bunch of random samples that I’ve collected from Birchbox or whatever, to no avail. It tricks me for just long enough to think it’s working, then later in the day I realize I look like a greaseball. WHAT AM I MISSING GUYS. I spray it on my roots, let it hang for a while, then shake it through with my fingers or a brush. Why isn’t it magic?? *sobs* I am 100% willing to blame this on user error, but for now, I’m just going to wash my hair with regular shampoo and water. Boooooo.

But hey–as Dave Mason says “There ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy There’s only you and me and we just disagree.”

Have you tried these products? Weigh in with your thoughts below!

Per usual, we bought these products with our own cash, unless it was a sample we were also getting because we were spending cash on something else. Either way, cash was spent.

Go to bed already!

Last month was my birthday, which I always find is a time for reflection. I’ve also been traveling a ton–nothing really new there–but I feel like it’s been effecting me more than usual. And not really for the better. And just in general, I’ve been taking stock of my life: my goals, a review of how I’m feeling, things I think I’m doing well, areas where I’m struggling.

In looking at what’s working and what clearly isn’t, I’ve come up with an overall theme with the state of my life as I write this today.

I’m tired.

It seems so simple–but it’s really the thing I seem to struggle with the most–How to find balance when there’s always one more thing to do? And in looking for answers I find I’m willing to lay down hard earned cash for products that promise impossible deliverables–a cream to lessen the bags under my eyes, a juice cleanse to feel refreshed, new workout clothes for motivation–but I don’t commit to the one thing that is the true foundation for all the elusive dreams of good health, good moods and good relationships: sleep.

Why is it so hard to just go to bed?! Continue reading Go to bed already!

Happy 4th!!! and the winner is…

Happy 4th, everyone! We hope you are enjoying time with people you love doing things you love–whether you are traveling, having drinks by the pool or camping.  And of course–wearing plenty of sunscreen regardless of the activity! 🙂

We are excited to congratulate, Val for winning our one year anniversary prize pack!! We hope you love these products as much as we do!

Thank you for continuing to support Everything & Nothings! We raise a toast to you!

We are always looking for new things to write about–so please let us know in the comments if there is any topics you want us to cover, products to review or feature you want added.

And we will leave you with patriotism at it’s best: GaGa and Beyonce-style

(thanks for the inspiration, Kathleen!)

Have a great week!!! Cheers–Lyn, Jess and Pamela

My Music Holy Trinity

Tonight I am seeing Paul Simon at Summerfest. This will be the fourth time seeing Paul Simon there: 1999, 2001, 2006 and 2017. I also saw Simon and Garfunkel in Chicago in 2003. A totally bonkers show where you could tell they don’t get along, but that didn’t stop me from getting tickets to their 2010 reunion tour. Sadly, that show got canceled—and seven years later—it still hasn’t been rescheduled. I saw Paul Simon two weeks ago at Eaux Claires Festival.  I missed him on his 2011 tour and I opted not to check out the Paul Simon/Sting double bill in 2014. I have regretted missing both shows. Otherwise, I have seen him on every tour since I was an adult. And recently he’s discussed not doing music anymore, so I’m concerned tonight might be my last time seeing him.

Paul Simon at Eaux Claires festival

Why is this so upsetting to me? Why have I seen him so often? Because Paul Simon is in my music holy trinity.

If music is a religion, the music holy trinity is the culmination of all the music you listen to defined by three artists.

Continue reading My Music Holy Trinity

Places I love: New York City

I have been in love with New York City for as long as I can remember. Blame it on Fame.  As a kid in the 80s, who didn’t wish they could go to school at the New York City High School for the Performing Arts?!

Consequently, all my favorite things are New York-centric: Annie Hall is my favorite movie, The Great Gatsby is my favorite book and Paul Simon is one of my music holy trinity (along with Prince and Peter Gabriel.) There’s also a romance to the city that never gets old for me.

I made my first trip to NYC when I was 17 and a senior in high school.  I thought then—and I still think today—that I would want to live there. And it could still happen.

Time Square during my first NYC trip

But for now, I just visit. And lucky for me, my sister lives in Brooklyn, which makes it convenient and much cheaper when you have a place to stay for free. I try to visit at least twice a year—more frequently if I’m lucky—so I have a list of favorite things to do in the city.

Over Memorial Day weekend, I visited with my friend, Tracy who was making her first trip. Tracy is an architect, so I was able to look at the city from a different perspective. And I could be a tour guide, which I love, of course!

Turns out—Jess is visiting NYC in a few weeks—and she requested a list of recommendations for her upcoming trip. Jess has been to NYC but not in a few years.

So this is for Jess—and anyone else that is thinking of visiting NYC. So charge up your phone, bring an extra battery (Google Maps and Snapchat will burn through your charge like whoa) and let’s explore NYC!

In old school David Letterman-style: My Top 10 Things to Do in NYC:

Continue reading Places I love: New York City

One Year Later–Happy Anniversary To Us!!

Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! It’s hard to believe the earth has traveled around the sun one whole time since we launched Everything and Nothings!

We are grateful to have so many people who want to talk about the same things we do and share your experiences in this thing called life with us.

Looking back at the things we shared, we thought we’d go back and each pick two things that a year later–we are still loving! Continue reading One Year Later–Happy Anniversary To Us!!

First Impressions: Glossier Invisible Shield SPF35

Ever since Pamela introduced me to Glossier–I’ve been obsessed. First, she bought Jess and me the Balm Dotcom lip balm for Christmas a few years back–and it was great. Then Pamela sang the praises of the Milky Jelly Cleanser–so I had to get it–and I still love it as a gentle way to remove makeup and leave your skin feeling so fresh and so clean. Using Pamela’s 20% off code for the first order, I also got their Phase 2 set which includes the classic Boy Brow–which we all love and I need to repurchase–the Stretch Concealer, which is fab, and a Generation G  lip balm. (honestly, i don’t love the lip balm. i think Colourpop has a much better option with their Blotted Lip. it wears better, has more colors and it’s cheaper.)  I then tried their Perfecting Skin Tint. It is extremely sheer, easy to apply with your fingers, light on your sking and has become my no-makeup go-to foundation of late. I wear shade “Light.”

And then there’s the Cloud Paint. It is seriously the greatest blush I have ever owned. Per usual–Pamela was the guinea pig and raved about it–so I picked up two. (they have a 2/$30 deal so you save $6 when you buy two. at least that’s my defense and i’m sticking to it!)  And now I have all four. They are fantastic!

When they announced their new sunscreen Invisible Shield SPF35 with much fanfare, I was curious.

Continue reading First Impressions: Glossier Invisible Shield SPF35