I’ve mentioned before that I rarely go on Facebook. Maybe once a day. And I certainly never click the ads when I’m on FB. But then there was this “free leggings” ad. Free leggings from Girlfriend Collective. The ad looked nice, pleasing to the eye. The leggings pictured looked flattering and actually like they could be kind of expensive – like the original Nike legends or Lululemon wunder unders – both of which I have had in the past and loved. But ok, free? What’s the catch? So I clicked. I proceeded to read all about these free leggings. They’re eco friendly (made from recycled plastic bottles.) High waisted (12 inch rise that sits above your bellybutton). Shaping with a perfect amount of compression, but comfortable as the fabric responds to your body heat and molds to your body. All this with a high end look and feel. Ok, but still what’s the catch? Their retail cost is $70, but during this pre-launch campaign they’re FREE with a shipping cost of $19.95. Ahh…. ok. So, not free. Why $19.95 shipping though? Because this pre-launch batch of leggings is coming directly from their factories in Vietnam. Ok, seems legit. I was intrigued, so I kept reading. They have a serious amount of very specific information on their website! And I suddenly found myself convinced that they were going to be the best leggings I’ve ever owned. And what’s 20 bucks anyway? Add up the cost of all the stupid leggings that I’ve gotten from Target and Forever21 that fit like crap and are faded and gross…. and that equals WAY more than $19.95. So I pulled the trigger. The thing is though, it would take about three months to get them. So three months went by, and yesterday I finally got them! And I wore them last night to yoga. Not to practice yoga but to teach, so basically I was walking around in a hot room wearing them. Having worn them for only just that one time, allow me to share my thoughts and feelings…..

Were they worth 20 bucks? Yes, absolutely. Would I pay 70? I feel confident in saying that yes, I would! I think they are really very comparable to any high end leggings that I currently own, or have owned in the past. They are made really well and I have to assume with proper care will hold up really well. Would I have paid 70 having no idea if they would look or feel good? Probably. Their website is very convincing that they are going to be worth it, but I see how they really worked this campaign to get their product out there and allow the leggings to speak for themselves. Really smart. How did they fit/feel/look? Amazing! The fit is really good. I love a higher waist in general with my jeans, and the same goes with these. It feels like they just hold things in, you know? And they don’t give me that “muffin top” feel when I sit down. The amount of compression is probably a bit more than most of my current leggings, both athletic and casual, but I didn’t hate that. But it wasn’t too much compression…. they remained comfortable (I have an Athleta pair that IS too much compression and I feel like they’re cutting off my circulation when I wear them.) They seemed to keep their shape the couple of hours I was wearing them, but I am curious as to how they would fair on a 5 hour car ride, so I’ll be testing that this weekend when I travel to the twin cities (with Jess!). I was sweating during the time I wore them, and I was feeling a little bit like they were less breathable than some of my leggings, but I probably won’t hold that against them as I feel like I won’t wear these for working out activities anyway (I have enough athletic leggings right now.) They are a true black with a slight sheen to them and I think they look really nice. Leggings I’ve had in the past that were made of recycled plastic bottles always tended to be almost gray/black looking and sort of dull. Not sure yet how they would be with pet hair or lint, that has yet to be seen.
So there are my opinions thus far. I can’t wait to wear them more. And after I ordered them, Jess confessed to ordering them as well (we hadn’t even talked about them ever before.) I’m really looking forward to hearing what she thinks when she gets hers! I’m excited to see what Girlfriend Collective has in store for their full line, which should be launching sometime this spring. And while this pre-launch deal ended in February, if I were you I’d hop over to the site and sign up for their emails. I think there will be lots more good to come from this company.
*BTW, I paid for the shipping of these leggings with my own 20 bucks.