Happy February! Well, we’re still getting through bundled up snowy, cold days, but at least the days are getting longer. The sun is even out today! Hello, The Sun! As I work my way out of hibernation mode, here are some things that I am really digging:
Breakfast of Champions
Most days, I’m bad at breakfast, especially if I’m up early. Just… nothing sounds good? But I know that I perform better if I have a little something, so I have come up with a solution that tastes like magic: Salted Caramel Oatmeal.
Now, I don’t know who at Big Oatmeal decided that oatmeal flavors should all be gross (I mean seriously- no one has invented peanut butter oatmeal?? But strawberries and cream is a thing??) but whatever, I can take this into my own hands. I prepare one package of plain oatmeal (yeah yeah, I know instant is the saddest of all oatmeals, but I’m going for better-than-nothing here!), nuke it for a minute, then top it with 15 grams of these magical sea salt caramel flavored chips, and stir in their melty goodness. BOOM- I have a breakfast that a) tastes like a cookie b) tastes great with coffee c) is easy to eat and deal with and d) clocks in at 180 calories. This is the perfect solution for me when I need a little gas in the tank to lift in the morning, or if I have early clients.
Easy, Moisturized Lips
Obviously, I will forever and ever love a bold lip, but lately I have been in the mood for something natural looking while being hella moisturizing. I’ve been really into grabbing this Rimmel London Exaggerate Full Colour Lip Liner in the shade Eastend Snob, which is a “my lips but better” cool pinky neutral. I line and fill in my lips, then top it with Chapstick Total Hydration Moisture + Tint in Rose Petal, which I have been loving during these dry winter days. Is anyone else sleeping with a humidifier blowing right on your face? Anyway, this combo gives a nice no-makeup makeup look that holds up with regular, pleasant reapplications of the lightly tinted Chapstick. Because winter.
The Santa Clarita Diet
Haaaaaaaave you guys watched this yet? Netflix continues to kill it (ha! I swear I didn’t do that on purpose!) with their originals, and this one is no exception. Last weekend was super grey and cold, so MB and I hunkered down in sweatpants, hot tea, and face masks, and binged on this little gem about a suburban realtor (Drew Barrymore) who suddenly becomes undead and develops an appetite for human flesh while also living her best life. If you don’t like blood (Lyn!) or random but totally realistic swearing outbursts, maybe this isn’t the show for you, but we found it to be laugh-out-loud funny and ridiculous. Plus it filled my “zombies living in the real world” void while I’m waiting FOREVER for iZombie season 3 to start.
Is This My New Favorite Concealer?
I’m pretty fair-weather when it comes to concealer- I just haven’t found my glass slipper yet. I like Maybelline’s Instant Age Rewind ok, but sometimes it seems too yellow for me. Their Fit Me concealer is in my rotation, too- the color is much better and I like the formula a lot- but as the day wears on, it settles into my creases. I picked up this new Outlast All-Day Soft Touch by Cover Girl last week, and I’ve really been liking it! It blends pretty well, covers my redness and sleepiness (I don’t struggle too much with darkness under my eyes, but do like to brighten up and cover some spots), and doesn’t seem to crease as the day goes on. I’m going to keep playing with it, but so far, so good.
Jeans That Fit (WHAT)
Inspired by Pamela’s closet purge, I recently took to my own. I had a huge stack of jeans in there- so huge, I didn’t even know what was in that pile (I found a leopard print pair!! What!!). I have been hating all of my jeans for the past few years, so I literally got rid of them ALL. Ok- I kept 2 pairs that are, like, lazy Saturday men’s jeans that are fine but not great and maybe I’ll hack them into shorts or something. My jeans struggle is this: I have curves. I have a hip measurement that once made a dressmaker tell me “that can’t be right”. My legs are also, you know, great for squats, but bad for knee-high boots? Second only to swimsuit shopping, jeans shopping is THE WORST, but now I was left in a position where I had to find some, and I wanted to find the right ones, not just “good enough” ones. After a lot of miserable shopping trips, fitting rooms, and internet returns, I have come up with two pairs of jeans that are making me super happy and feeling fly:

Levi’s 721 High Rise Skinny Jean
These jeans are everything I want in a jean- the high waist isn’t, like, mom-jeans high- it sits right where I want my jeans to sit (on top of my hip bone), doesn’t dip down in the back, and stays on my butt, which these jeans make look amazing. I got these in a dark blue wash (Blue Story) which are great for dressing up or down. They have a bit of stretch in them, but still feel like jeans, not jeggings. Plus, Levi’s are always a classic.
Mossimo High Rise Skinny Jeans

So of course, after searching high and low (price) for a perfect pair of jeans, I find a great pair- on clearance, no less- at Target. I love these jeans! Again, they are labeled high rise, but I think they sit in just the right spot, and actually fit my waist rather then try to squiggle around it. These also feel like heavy, real denim, and the added stretch makes them fit like a dream. Who knew high waisted would be the answer?? Maybe I did- my previous favorite pair of black jeans were a high waisted pair from H&M- but I was resistant because we were all brainwashed through the low-slung, hip-hugging horror that was the 2000’s.
What are you loving right now? What have you been watching? Eating? Wearing? Are you going on a trip soon that’s not cold and grey?? Tell us in the comments!
I bought all of this stuff with my own money, so I enjoy a good sale rack. All photos are my own unless otherwise noted.
OMG I’ve been dying to tell *someone* (who might care even a little bit) about the amazing pair of jeans I just got. Finally a pair with tons of stretch without being jeggings/pajama jeans, with a waistband that doesn’t gap or sit too high/low, and (the best part, for me anyway) a long inseam! They come in a bunch of colors and inseams, and even though they’re more than what I’d normally spend on jeans I want a backup pair when they go on sale. http://www.prana.com/kayla-jean.html (fwiw I also have a few pairs of the Kara style, same fabric but a little on the short side for me, and absolutely need a belt if I plan to sit down)
Oooh- I want to touch them!! High five on finding jeans that make you feel like a normal human who can wear jeans!!!!