adventures (progress?) in closet cleaning.

Remember when I said one of my goals for the new year was to really clean out my closet?  Well I’ve started, and it’s been a little more difficult than I originally thought it would be.  I like to hang onto things, and I’ve always been aware of this. Sometimes because I just *know* I’ll want to wear it the minute I donate it (that never happens) and other times even though I know it might be a ridiculous and practically non wearable item, it just makes me happy to see it in my closet.  So I set out on this endeavor with the help of the be more with less website full of really great and practical tips.  Aren’t you dying to know how it’s going?  Here’s an update!

Ridiculous and impractical marching band jacket that Jess and Lyn talked me into keeping.

While I did use many of the tips listed on the website, it didn’t approach it as strictly, I would say.  Instead of emptying everything out of my closet, dressers, jewelry box – EVERYTHING….. I took on one at a time.  And instead of having a bottle of water on hand to stay hydrated for this marathon purge, I drank some prosecco. Cheers.

I started with one of my dressers and emptied it all out onto my bed, and then became aware of just how many pairs of jeans I actually had… which included more than a few that I never wear due to the fit not being quite right.  This is where the pile making came in really handy.  This was the easy part.  I made all the piles that they recommend.  Love, maybe, donate and trash.  The hard part started when I went back to the maybes and began to try to find a solid reason to keep or donate certain things.  There were questions of…. what if I lose weight?  What if I gain weight?  What if they discontinue this style and I never find something like this again even though I never really wear it?  I realized that letting go of these questions was probably going to be one of my bigger challenges. I then proceeded to get rid of three pairs of jeans!  It’s a start, right?  And it got just a little easier, and easier again the further I got.  I moved onto my closet.  Then to my second dresser.  And then I ran out of prosecco.  I have yet to go through my shoes and my jewelry, but I’m feeling pretty good about the way it’s going.  I have a bin full of things I’ll either give to my sister, sell* or donate.  And although I don’t feel like I got rid of the amount of items I thought I would (way less in fact) this process has been great to get reorganized (my drawers are nice and neat and everything is folded) and really take note of what I do have (more than enough denim shirts), and what I don’t need anymore of (definitely do not need anymore tee shirts).  So overall, I’d say that this was a success, not so much in that I got rid of a ton of excess, I got rid of some and it felt good… but in the way that I’m sure I’ll still make impulse purchases and buy things I probably don’t need…  but I think I might be more mindful in the future and think about what I do have and hopefully be able to ask myself if I actually need that new…… (fill in the blank).

My final donate pile. Less than expected.

*I’ll tell you all about where I sell my stuff in a future post!

2 thoughts on “adventures (progress?) in closet cleaning.”

  1. I also struggle with getting rid of stuff. Not quite hoarder status but I’ve been called a pack rat before. Then last week I got a bug and I cleaned my closet. I think I got rid of nearly half my wardrobe. It was freaking liberating!!! So many “I love this but it doesn’t fit anymore. Maybe when I lose weight…” or “but it was expensive!” thoughts. Meh. I’m giving ThredUp a shot for the sellable items. I hope they actually accept them!

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