Current Obsessions (That Might Make Nice Gifts?)

Happy holidays!! If you’re like me, you are a) stressing out about what to give as gifts and b) simultaneously really good at buying things for yourself. I mean, I feel like I just want to get high fives for being such a good shopper for myself. So here is a list of things that I have that are making me really happy right now- maybe something will inspire you! (No judgement if you just buy it for yourself.)

A really decent travel mug

As much as I prefer to have time to lounge in my pajamas, drinking coffee while I peruse the news of the morning, most of the time I need to take my coffee to go. I love this mug from OXO because it seriously keeps things hot- if I have a client right away in the morning, sometimes I don’t get to drink my coffee until an hour after I’ve poured it, and this mug is like “ok I will wait!”. Also, it does a good job of being leak proof- recently, in a really typical move for me, I was carrying too many things and in a hurry, bobbled my full cup of coffee around while wearing a white shirt, and everything turned out ok. Whew! Paired with some nice tea, this would be welcome under any tree.

Something that smells awesome (and is locally made!)

Real talk: I haven’t really been excited about “natural” deodorants. They mean well, but rarely keep me confident. Enter American Provenance, a local company that is killing it in the personal care game. The labels are designed by a tattoo artist, which is what drew me in to the display at Hy-Vee, and then I was delighted by the scents available, and then double delighted by the ingredients they use (and leave out). Based on glowing reviews, I decided to give the deodorant a whirl, and I am officially converted and crazy obsessed with it! Even after a tough workout, I am way less offensive than my former commercial products left me. If it’s too weird to give someone deodorant, because, it kind of is, they also make awesome body sprays, soaps, beard balms… give them a try!!

Things to keep you warm

One of the best gifts Pamela ever gave me (and trust me, she gives good gift) is a pair of Smartwool socks. It sounds like a total old person thing to give, but come on- it’s something you don’t want to buy for yourself (they are a little pricey), but on days like we’ve been having lately (it “feels like” -13 degrees today), I am happy to find them in my drawer- they are truly life saving. They come in cute colors, wash easily, and last forever.

I also love and rely on my Yea.Nice knit hat. One of the founders of this brand is from Wisconsin (yay!) and they donate a fleece hat to a homeless shelter for every hat purchased. Sweet. They have a ton of great styles and fit like you want a beanie to fit- perfectly slouchy while keeping your head warm.

Reliable beauty

I have had my original Urban Decay Naked palette for easily 5 years, and it is one that I consistently go back to. I use the matte shades almost daily, and the golds and shimmers are perfect for special occasions. Ok, Sin is a perfect shadow all the time, always. And really, if I wasn’t trying to show myself tremendous restraint, I would be all about the Ultimate Basics palette: this would also be an ace gift, especially if you think the shimmers are too much. (*cough cough buy it for me*)

Makeup brushes also make a great gift, since they take the pressure off picking colors, and you can never have too many (amirite?!?!). I grabbed this little gift set at Target recently and it is so great- I use all three of these every day! Real Techniques makes really decent, affordable brushes, and these are super fab additions to their line.

… And Murder!

Ok ok ok… this is NOT a gift (wait! Is it my gift to you??) but it is my current total obsession: the My Favorite Murder podcast. I would consider myself medium-interested in true crime on a normal day, but I have been listening to this podcast pretty much non-stop. It is hilarious, interesting, and makes me feel like I’m hanging out with my similarly warped friends. Maybe you could listen to it while wrapping gifts? (Any other murderinos out there??)

Cheers to you and yours this holiday season! Do you have any tried and true gifts to give? Who is stumping you the most this year? Can’t we just buy things for ourselves and drink champagne?!? Tell me about a great podcast!!


2 thoughts on “Current Obsessions (That Might Make Nice Gifts?)”

  1. Smartwool socks forever! The kind with the slightly padded soles are the BEST if you have to be on your feet all day. I have a stage manager friend who swears by them. And they aren’t ever itchy or too warm!

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